[Be-devel] clean source for jquery.corners
2013-11-29 17:00:50 UTC

As part of re-inclusion of this in the Debian package, a copyright audit
was performed on the source code, and it was found there are minified
jquery source files without the original source (in

I have been able to track down where this file comes from - it's an old
2008 jquery plugin that almost disappeared off the web. After fiddling
around, I have added the source file (and licenses!) from this location:


I confirmed it's the same source code as:


The licenses are compatible so that's not a problem - the idea here is
to provide the people with the original source for the minified code so
they can study and edit it, in the spirit of free software.

It's also a a requirement for shipping that file at all in Debian so
either we completely remove it, which will probably break that
interface, or we ship with the extra files mentionned above.

So far, I have taken the second route, so that's an extra patch in the
Debian package.

Please consider fixing this upstream.


Le Qu?bec ne r?ve plus de devenir une soci?t? mod?le: voil? son
probl?me d'environnement.
- Pierre Dansereau (1911 - 2011)
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