[Be-devel] Bugs in BE
Dave MacFarlane
2016-01-13 00:07:21 UTC

I've been interested in BE for a while, but never a big user of it. I've
been writing my own distributed bug tracking software to address (what I
think are) some of the shortcomings and wanted to look towards BE for some
inspiration, but I've encountered a couple of bugs with the be client. (Be
version 1.1.1 installed with apt-get on a relatively clean Ubuntu 15.10

1. It doesn't work if the user doesn't have the PAGER environment variable
set when they log in. (even just running "be help" crashes with a stack
trace.) Oddly, setting PAGER, and then unsetting it works fine. But if it
was never set, BE crashes on just about everything and is unusable.
2. "be commit" commits any staged files that are unrelated to BE, not just
the .be directory
3. The "Live HTML bug repository" link on the web page is, ironically,
4. In fact, all the links to BE on the website are broken, including the
git clone URL, because they seem to mostly be pointing to gitorious (which
is why I just installed it with apt-get and didn't verify if the bugs were
present on the current development tip.)

Unrelated to these bugs, I have a question:

I'm trying to import a BE database into my own issue tracker, and
everything in BE seems to be in the bug's comments/ directory, one
subdirectory per comment with the metadata stored in a JSON file. The date
on the comments appears to always be in RFC 822 format, which doesn't
collate very well.

Does this mean that to display an bug be needs to load the JSON for all the
comments on the bug, parse the date into something sortable, sort the bugs,
and then display the comments, or is there an easier way to get the
comments in chronological order that I'm missing?

- Dave
Matěj Cepl
2016-01-13 09:03:39 UTC
Post by Dave MacFarlane
4. In fact, all the links to BE on the website are broken,
including the git clone URL, because they seem to mostly be
pointing to gitorious (which is why I just installed it
with apt-get and didn't verify if the bugs were present on
the current development tip.)
https://gitlab.com/bugseverywhere/bugseverywhere is the last
known code from the Gitorious repo. Merge requests welcome!

https://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, Jabber: ***@ceplovi.cz
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May you come to the attention of those in authority.
May you find what you are looking for.
May you live in interesting times.
-- claimed to be a Chinese proverb, but its origin is disputed
first documented use
Frederic R. Coudert, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 1939
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